03 - 06 November 2021
ALCS 2019 - Australasian Leadership Computing Symposium
A Future Vision for Electromagnetic Geophysical Data Processing and Modelling on High Performance Computing
Nigel Rees (NCI), Richard Chopping, Ben Evans (NCI), Hoel Seille, Lesley Wyborn (NCI)01 - 03 November 2021
Australian BioCommons 2021 Showcase
Successes and challenges deploying bioinformatics workflows on Australian high performance computers
Rosemarie Sadsad, Georgina Samaha, Tracy Chew, Dale Roberts (NCI), Johan Gustafsson23 - 24 September 2021
HPC AI - Australia Conference 2021
Enabling Big Data and Computing Outcomes for Australian Science
Kelsey Druken (NCI)20 - 24 October 2019
eResearch Australasia 2019
Give the GeoDeVL Her Dues: She has Helped lay the Foundations for a Modern eResearch Platform for Solid Earth Scientists
Lesley Wyborn (NCI), Nigel Rees (NCI), Carsten Friedrich, Tim Rawling, Ben Evans (NCI), Graham Heinson, Michelle Salmon, Meghan Miller, Julia Martin, Joel Benn, Geoff Squire, Stuart Woodman, MingFang Wu, Ryan Fraser, Adrian Burton20 - 24 October 2019
eResearch Australasia 2019
GSKY - a scalable standards compliant data service
Dr Nigel Rees (NCI)01 - 04 September 2019
2nd Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference: Data to Discovery
The Geosciences DeVL Experiment: new information generated from old magnetotelluric data of The University of Adelaide on the NCI High Performance Computing Platform
Nigel Rees (NCI), Ben Evans (NCI), Graham Heinson, Dennis Conway, Rui Yang (NCI), Stephan Thiel, Kate Robertson, Kelsey Druken (NCI), Bruce Goleby, Jingbo Wang (NCI), Lesley Wyborn (NCI) & Hoël Seillé06 - 11 April 2019
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019
Linking Derivatives from Big Earth and Environmental Reference Datasets to Publications is Not Easy: Perspectives from the NCI Petascale Data Repository
Lesley Wyborn and Ben Evans (NCI)10 - 14 December 2018
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018
Evolving Data-driven science: the unprecedented coherence of Big Data, HPC, and informatics, and crossing the next chasms – Invited Greg Leptoukh Lecture
Benjamin Evans (NCI)10 - 14 December 2018
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018
The important role of HPC and data-intensive infrastructure facilities in supporting a diversity of Virtual Research Environments (VREs): working with Climate
Clare Richards, Benjamin Evans, Kate Snow, Chris Allen, Jingbo Wang, Kelsey A Druken, Sean Pringle, Jon Smillie and Matt Nethery (NCI)08 - 13 April 2018
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018
Enabling FAIR and Open Data in Earth and Space Sciences Publications
Shelley Stall, Kerstin Lehnert, Lesley Wyborn (NCI), Erin Robinson, Helen Glaves, Mark Parsons, Brooks Hanson, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brian Nosek, and Lynn Yarmey