As well as being used on our platforms, the data is also tuned for new high-performance data and informatics technologies. This allows a range of new applications, from access by mobile or desktop devices that contact NCI to analyse data on-the-fly, through to information queries over massively distributed data protocols. These technologies provide an invisible fabric of services which are now used routinely and seamlessly by the research communities.
The datasets at NCI are published so as to be findable through our publicly accessible data catalogue. Our team makes sure that datasets are correctly catalogued, published and cited according to international standards, the FAIR principles of data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and open to the research community. Our data catalogue is referenced by journal publications, and is harvested by many aggregators in Australia and abroad to help users find data we manage and publish. Each of these steps makes the data more easily discoverable and shareable for their communities.
If you have a research data collection you would like to see at NCI, please contact us.