NCI runs the Nirin cloud computing platform providing access to high-performance computing and data analysis workflows.

Image of computer racks

The Nirin cloud provides a high-availability and a high-capacity zone, closely integrated with the Gadi supercomputer and NCI's multi-Petabyte national research data collections.

The cloud comprises a mix of Intel Broadwell and Sandy Bridge processors and NVIDIA K80 GPUs. NCI has repurposed hardware from the previous Raijin supercomputer to provide powerful, new capabilities that enable interactive data analysis and data preparation processes.

Nirin integrates with the Gadi supercomputer and the global filesystems, and supports those aspects of research computing more suited for a rapid-response environment. This distribution of workloads allows for the most productive uses of NCI’s varied infrastructure platforms.


Nirin Technical Specifications
Nirin Section Cores Memory Access to global filesystems
High-Availability Zone 1856 Intel Xeon Broadwell 22 TB Yes
High-Capacity Zone 16,640 Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge 32 TB Yes
GPUs in High-Capacity Zone 40 NVIDIA K80s Same as High-Capacity Zone Yes
NCI's Nirin artwork, with a blue and purple colour scheme highlighting diagonal lines across the painting, connected to circular elements.

About Nirin

The Nirin cloud platform is tightly integrated with NCI’s supercomputing and high-performance storage infrastructure. Located entirely within the NCI system, this provides privileged, high-speed access to the 70+ Petabyte global filesystems on site. It also makes Nirin the ideal home for data-intensive tools and services such as data analysis environments, Virtual Laboratories and internal data publishing processes.

The name Nirin is a word from the Wiradjuri language meaning 'edge'. This reflects the cloud’s role as one of the computational capabilities at NCI directly accessible to users. The Nirin artwork was created by Anthony Best, a Canberra-based Indigenous artist. The artwork shows the lines of communication meeting at gathering places, represented by the circular features. The arch shapes represent scientific communities researching in the cloud, surrounded by data.

Access to Nirin

All NCI users are eligible to access the Nirin cloud. Requests for access must go through the NCI Helpdesk. Details about accessing the Nirin services are available in the Nirin Cloud User Guide.