One of NCI's roles is in improving access to national reference datasets for high-performance computational modelling and analysis.
A key aim is to provide this in a way that supports programmatic data access either directly on NCI systems or for access externally via NCI data services.
To this end, NCI's Data Catalogue has recently been updated with a batch of new entries, including new datasets and data collections and updates to their filesystem locations and data service endpoints.
These include:
- ESGF Australian datasets, including CMIP5, GeoMIP, PMIP3, and CORDEX
- The Australian Geophysical Data Collection provided by Geosciences Australia
- Earth Observation Data including NBAR, NBART, PQ_count
- Earth Observation derived products including HLTC, ITEM, FC
- Magnetotellurics Data provided by the University of Adelaide
- A marine forecast wave model suite provided by the Bureau of Meteorology
- Decadal Climate Forecasts provided by CSIRO
- Model outputs from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
- A collection of tomographic fossil data from the ANU x-ray micro-CT facility
The datasets at NCI have been assessed using our data and metadata quality control under a quality assurance framework. This includes a commitment to international FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).