
TechTake, with Dr Sonika Tyagi – Monash University

Dr. Sonika Tyagi has a Ph.D. in Computational Biology and over 15 years of work experience in academia & industry. In 2018, she joined a teaching and research position at Monash University to establish her research program. She is currently a Machine Learning lead in the SuperbugAI flagship project. Her expertise is in developing new machine learning tools and pipelines, and apply these methods to solve biological research questions. Tyagi has developed novel probabilistic models based on natural language processing to predict non-coding RNA structures ab-Initio and has implemented deep learning approaches to predict functional motifs on these structures. She applied these methods to successfully predict novel miRNAs and detected DNA variants causing melanoma. All of these methods are openly accessible to the community via GitLab.

Tyagi was a chief investigator on an NHMRC funded project to computationally study human pregnancy (2017). In 2020 she was also awarded an Early Mid Career Research fellowship by the Australian Academy of Science to develop AI models for the diagnosis of preterm birth. This was followed by an NHMRC success in 2021 for Targeted Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics for Preventing Preterm Birth (2022-25). She has received industry funding (2018), and University grants (2029-20) for developing AI resources to study diseases. Sonika is one of the finalists for Women in AI (WAI) awards - Australia/Newzealand 2022 in the "AI in Health" category.


NCI Presents: TechTake is an exciting opportunity for international computational and data science leaders to discuss and demonstrate how technology supports research.

Taking place on the last Tuesday of each month, this event will run online in order to reach diverse audiences across the globe and from all fields.

TechTake is designed to prompt engaging and in-depth conversations about both the current state and potential futures of technology to broaden and deepen understanding.