The NCI National Facility is pleased to announce that the new Fujitsu Primergy, Raijin, will be available to users in a phased approach starting early next week.

Raijin is a high-performance cluster with 57,472 cores (Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge 2.6 GHz), Mellanox FDR interconnect, 160 Tbytes of main memory, 10 Pbytes of useable fast filesystem, running the OneSIS cluster manager, and the PBS Pro workflow manager.

Named after the Japanese God of Thunder, Raijin has debuted at number one in Australia, and number 24 in the world on the TOP500 list of best supercomputers.

Details of the hardware can be seen at and an evolving User Guide at

Information for users

Users' /home directories from vayu have been copied to raijin and /short directories created.

Users will be responsible for transferring files from /short on vayu to raijin.

Raijin is using PBSPro for job scheduling and accounting. This means that existing vayu batch scripts will need some editing to run on raijin. Details of the required changes will be given in the User Guide but please check it regularly as these may change.

File system quotas will intially be fairly strict but we expect to be able to be more accommodating of individual requirements in the coming weeks. The User Guide will be kept up to date with details of logging in, the batch system and changes to quotas as they progress.

The database of grants will be populated on Monday morning and, after that, groups of users will be invited to login and start using raijin. As raijin will have a separate accounting system from vayu, xe and dcc it will not be possible to apply one grant across all computers. We expect that vayu will continue to operate for some time into quarter 3 and all projects will have a grant of time there. The grants already in place for quarter 3 were based on availability of raijin only so they will remain unchanged and will be applied to raijin.

Not all software on vayu has been ported to raijin at this stage. The software web page will be updated as more packages are added. Please email if there is a particular package or library that you use on vayu that has not yet been installed on raijin and we will install it as soon as possible. We are also taking this opportunity to formalise the access arrangements for some licensed software and will provide more details on this in the next few weeks.