NCI's User Services team have installed a range of new software on Raijin this month.
- metis/5.1.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- fftw3/3.3.4 (Single and Double precision)
- fftw3/3.3.4s (Single precision only)
- petsc/3.6.3 (Build with Intel MKL FFTW3)
- petsc/3.6.3-fftw3 (Build with FFTW3 v3.3.4. Includes f03 interface)
- vasp/5.4.1 (Updated to include patch. Added -tst executables)
- BioPerl-1.6.923 installed as part of perl 5.22.1 (used module load perl/5.22.1 to access bioperl scripts)
- lammps/16Feb16 (lmp_openmpi and lmp_openmpi-plumed now includes -omp packages)
- elk/3.3.17 (Very interesting DFT code. Users of ab-init are encouraged to have a look)
- cfdpp/16.1
- theano/0.8.1-3.4.3
- amber/14-16.01
- matlab/R2016a
- turbovnc/2.0.91
- bazel/0b26f44
- cudnn/4.0.7
module avail on Raijin to see more applications.