
Image of Peter Dueben on the TechTake logo
This month's TechTake will feature Dr Peter Dueben.


NCI Presents: TechTake is an exciting opportunity for international computational and data science leaders to discuss and demonstrate how technology supports research.

Taking place on the last Tuesday of each month, this event will run online in order to reach diverse audiences across the globe and from all fields.

TechTake is designed to prompt engaging and in-depth conversations about both the current state and potential futures of technology to broaden and deepen understanding.


Dr Peter Dueben, Coordinator of Machine Learning and AI Activities, ECMWF

Peter is the Coordinator of Machine Learning and AI activities at the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Research Department of ECMWF. He has professional interests in high-resolution weather and climate simulations, high-performance computing for weather and climate models, and machine learning for weather and climate predictions.

The next decade of Machine Learning at ECMWF – an introduction to the machine learning roadmap