Computational science has played a key role for NCI users who have been awarded fellowships under the Australian Research Council's (ARC) Future Fellowship scheme.

"The Future Fellowship scheme plays an important role in building Australia's research capacity and I would like to congratulate all of the new fellows," said NCI Director, Professor Lindsay Botten.

"It's great to see that some of the new fellows use NCI facilities to make contributions to groundbreaking research, particularly in chemistry, physics, engineering and climate science."

NCI-supported Future Fellows include:

  • Dr Vanessa Robins, from The Australian National University
  • Dr Rhodri Davies, from The Australian National University
  • Dr Irene Suarez-Martinez, from Curtin University of Technology
  • Dr Guillermo A Narsilio, from The University of Melbourne
  • Associate Professor Gianluca Ranzi, from The University of Sydney
  • Associate Professor Torsten Thomas, from The University of New South Wales

Find out more about about the projects